Bin Collection
Bins are normally collected on a Monday.
Alternating every other week between General Waste & Recycling AND Garden waste. Bank Holiday's vary. Click the Button below to go to the Hambleton Council's website and Bin collection Calendar for the latest information. |
Dog Waste
There is a specific Dog waste bin on the Green, near the Church.
However, all waste bins can be used for the depositing of Doggy do. It is not permitted to allow your dog to foul and leave your dog's poo on the road or pavements within the Village boudaries - which means before the 30MPH signs Also, all dog poo should be picked up on all local footpaths Hambleton does have a keen dog fouling patrol unit and we do not want to call them in - so please respect the above rules for the health and wellbeing of all Villagers - Thank you. |